
為了您的方便,請在下面找到適用於您與之開展業務的各個 Almatis 實體的所有銷售的一般條件條款,按地理區域組織。

1 總則
1.1 在這些銷售條款和條件(“條件”)中:-
1.2 除非另有說明,2010 版國際貿易術語解釋通則中定義的術語與本條件中使用的含義相同。賣方選擇的 INCOTERMS 應適用並被視為構成合同的一部分。但是,如果適用的 INCOTERMS 與合同條款之間存在衝突,則以合同條款為準。
1.3 除非以書面形式明確約定,本條件適用於賣方銷售的所有產品,並與合同一起包含與產品有關的完整協議。未經各方書面同意,不得修改本合同。
1.4 合同基於這些條件排除所有其他明示或暗示的條款和條件(包括買方聲稱在任何採購訂單、訂單確認、規格或其他文件下適用的任何條款或條件)。
1.5 買方對產品的每筆訂單均應視為買方購買產品的要約,接受應受本條件的約束。在賣方發出訂單確認/接受或(如果更早)賣方將產品交付給買方之前,賣方不得接受買方下的訂單。
1.6 賣方的報價不構成要約,賣方保留在賣方接受買方訂單之前隨時撤回或修改任何報價的權利。買方應及時提供賣方執行買方訂單所需的所有信息和協助。
2 交貨
2.1 應按照賣方接受訂單時指定的地點和方法(或除非另有約定,出廠(賣方工廠))交貨。
2.2 所引用的交貨或發貨日期僅為估計日期,賣方真誠地給予或接受,但不能保證,除非以書面形式“保證”。
2.3 如果由於任何原因買方在產品準備好交付時不接受交付,或者賣方由於買方未提供適當的說明、文件、許可或授權而無法按時交付產品,則 (a)產品將轉移給買方(包括因賣方疏忽造成的損失或損壞);(b) 產品將被視為已交付;(c) 賣方可以儲存產品直至交付,買方將負責所有相關成本和費用(包括但不限於儲存、滯期費和保險)。
2.4 如果賣方向買方交付的產品數量少於賣方接受的數量,買方無權以短缺為由反對或拒絕產品(或任何產品),但應收到信用通知單按比例合約價格。
2.5 包裝已包含在價格中且不可退貨,除非賣方在接受訂單時另有說明或雙方達成一致。
2.6 賣方發貨單上註明的數量應作為交付數量的最終證據,除非有明顯錯誤。
3 價格和付款
3.1 除非賣方另有書面約定,應付價格應為賣方接受訂單或發票上註明的價格,所有報價均不包括增值稅和任何其他關稅、費用和稅費。所有應付給賣方的款項均應以賣方發票上註明的貨幣和地址支付。
3.2 如果賣方安排或承擔交貨地點以外的運輸、運費、保險或任何其他運輸費用,除合同價格外,此類費用應由買方支付。它們不應影響合同中關於風險轉移的規定。
3.3 產品的付款條件如賣方接受訂單或發票上所述。
3.4 除賣方同意的任何折扣外,買方應支付合同項下的所有應付款項,無論是反訴還是其他方式,均不得扣除。
3.5 如果買方未能根據合同向賣方支付任何應付款項,則在不限制賣方可獲得的任何其他權利或補救措施的情況下,(a) 賣方可以取消合同或暫停向買方進一步交付;(b) 買方有責任從付款到期日起向賣方支付利息,年利率比上個月 BBA(英國銀行家協會)1 個月 Libor 利率高 8%( www.bba.org.uk)(或者,如果法律不允許該費率,則按法律允許的最高費率計算),每天累計,直至付款,無論是在任何判決之前還是之後;(c) 買方應向賣方支付與賣方為強制收款或維護和保護賣方在本協議項下的權利而採取的所有行動相關的合理成本和費用,

4.1 Risk in the Products shall pass to Buyer as defined by the applicable INCOTERMS. Seller shall retain ownership of the Products until (a) Seller has received payment in full for the Products; or (b) the Products are mixed with other goods, or (c) Buyer sells the Products at arm’s length in good faith to an unrelated third party.
4.2 Unless otherwise stipulated in the applicable INCOTERMS, Buyer shall insure the Products against all usual risks to full replacement value until ownership passes to Buyer. Buyer shall sell, use, or part with possession of the Products only in the ordinary course of trading and shall store the Products separately from all other goods and clearly identified as Seller’s property. Any insurance monies received by Buyer regarding the Products owned by Seller shall be held on trust for Seller. In the circumstances described in Condition 6, Buyer may not sell, use, or part with possession of the Products. Seller shall be entitled at any time to enter Buyer’s premises and recover and/or sell any of the Products, without prejudice to Seller’s other remedies.


5.1 Other than for samples (which are provided “as is” without warranty), Seller warrants that at the time of delivery, the Products are sold with good title free of any third party claims, are made with sound materials and artistry and in all material respects comply with Seller’s current published specification or datasheet for the Products at the time of delivery (the ‘Seller’s Warranty’).
5.2 Seller does not warrant that the Products are fit for any particular purpose or intended use by Buyer, and it is for Buyer to satisfy itself that the Products are so fit.
5.3 Seller shall not be liable for a breach of any of Seller’s Warranty unless (a) Buyer gives written notice of any incomplete or failed delivery, shortage of weight or quantity or defect to Seller within 14 days of the time when Buyer discovers or ought to have discovered the problem or defect; and (b) Seller is given a reasonable opportunity after receiving the notice to examine such Products and Buyer (if asked to do so by Seller) returns such Products to Seller’s place of business at Buyer’s cost for the examination to take place there.
5.4 Seller shall not be liable for a breach of Seller’s Warranty if the defect arises because Buyer failed to follow Seller’s instructions on the storage or use of the Products.
5.5 If any of the Products do not comply with Seller’s Warranty, Seller shall, at its option, replace such Products or refund the price of such Products at the pro rata Contract price
provided that, if Seller so requests, Buyer shall, at Buyer’s expense (to be credited into Buyer’s account by Seller if the Products are found not in compliance with the Contract or Seller’s Warranty), return the Products (or the part of such Products) which are defective to Seller.
5.6 To the extent permitted by law, if Seller complies with Condition 5.5 it shall have no further liability for a breach of Seller’s Warranty in respect of such Products. Seller does not exclude or restrict any liability which cannot be excluded or restricted as between Buyer and Seller as a matter of law.
5.7 Buyer shall promptly notify Seller of any relevant claim, shall comply with Seller’s reasonable requirements to minimize liability and/or avoid further liability, shall (where directed by Seller) take all reasonable steps to mitigate its loss.
5.8 Without prejudice to any other limitation of Seller’s liability (whether effective or not):
(a) in no circumstances whatsoever (whether because of breach of contract or otherwise) shall Seller be liable for loss of profits, loss of use, loss of goodwill, loss of business, loss of anticipated savings, or any indirect or consequential losses of any kind;
(b) to the extent permitted by law, Seller’s total aggregate liability in connection with the Products or the Contract is limited to the cost of the Products sold under the Contract (excluding VAT and delivery).
5.9 Seller’s Warranty and Buyer’s remedies hereunder are in substitution for any other warranties, rights, obligations, representations, liabilities, terms or conditions in connection with the Products (including, without limitation, any relating to satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose, conformity with description or sample, care and skill or compliance with representations) which are hereby expressly excluded.


6.1 賣方可以(在不損害其其他權利或補救措施的情況下)立即終止或暫停賣方履行任何合同的全部或任何未完成部分或暫停任何交付,如果:-
(a) 買方有信用問題或未能接受交付或在到期日之前為產品付款或違反合同的任何其他條款;
(b)賣方有理由懷疑,在條件的事件6.1(b)曾發生或將要發生或買方有信用問題或買家不會支付產品在到期日等通知買方合理的理由; 或者
(d) 賣方有合理理由相信買方不遵守任何國家或國際貿易或海關法律法規。

7 第三方索賠和索賠行為

7.1 賣方將就任何第三方向買方提出的在提供產品的國家/地區向買方提出的任何索賠進行辯護,聲稱產品(第三方製造的或按照買方的規格製造的任何產品除外)在賣方出售的原始狀態下, 侵犯在該國有效的任何專利。根據第 5.8(b) 條的規定,賣方將支付因此類索賠而最終判給買方的任何損害賠償和費用。
7.2 買方不得以未經賣方事先書面批准的任何方式使用賣方申請或使用的與產品有關的任何商標或商號。
7.3 買方應賠償賣方因遵守買方關於產品的任何規範或其他指示而產生的任何責任(包括合理的律師費)。
7.4 每一方應及時將合同項下的任何相關索賠通知另一方,遵守另一方的合理要求以盡量減少和/或避免進一步的責任,並應允許另一方以合理的條件控制抗辯和/或和解談判。

8 不可抗力

8.1 賣方對因不可抗力事件導致的任何未能遵守合同的行為不承擔任何責任。就本合同而言,“不可抗力”是指不可預見、無法避免和無法克服的客觀情況,包括但不限於罷工或其他勞資衝突、原材料或其他生產資源短缺、交通設施不可用、工廠故障、火災和爆炸、不可抗力、戰爭以及阻止或限制賣方遵守合同的情況。如果不可抗力事件嚴重損害賣方履行此類義務的能力,賣方可在及時通知買方後暫停或終止其在合同項下的全部或部分義務。賣方將在合理時間內提供此類不可抗力事件的證據。
9 雜項
9.1 未經賣方事先書面同意,買方不得轉讓合同。合同可以轉讓給賣方的任何子公司或附屬公司並由其履行,或分包給第三方並由第三方提供,而無需通知買方或買方同意。
9.2 賣方在合同項下的每項權利或補救措施不影響賣方的其他權利或補救措施,無論是否在合同項下。
9.3 如果發現本合同的任何條款無效或無法執行,應在法律允許的最大範圍內有效,否則,如果不允許,應視為刪除,其餘條款繼續完全有效.
9.4 通知必須以書面形式發送至賣方或買方的地址。它們應在通過專人、快遞或(需確認發送)傳真發送後的第一個工作日被視為已送達。
9.5 賣方未能或延遲執行或部分執行合同條款,不應被解釋為放棄其在合同項下的任何權利。
9.6 賣方對買方對本合同任何條款的任何違約或任何違約的棄權不會被視為對任何後續違約或違約的棄權,並且絕不會影響合同的其他條件。
9.7 本合同受中華人民共和國法律管轄並依其解釋。聯合國國際貨物銷售合同公約 (CISG) 被明確排除在外。
9.8 因本合同引起的或與本合同有關的任何爭議,如有可能,應友好協商解決。協商不成的,將爭議提交中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會(以下簡稱“貿仲”)仲裁。仲裁在北京按照仲裁時有效的中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會仲裁規則在北京進行,工作語言為英語。仲裁裁決是終局的,對買賣雙方均具有約束力。
9.9 本條件以英文和中文書寫。兩個版本都是一樣的正品。本合同的目的是解決兩個版本之間的任何不一致。

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